Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Do We Have Double Standards in Our Hazardous Waste Laws for Hybrid Cars?

We need to ditch the hypocrisy when it comes to environmentalism. If we are going to have rules and regulations, we need to have it for everything or none at all. Letting one group off the hook and chasing down another sector or industry is nothing more than crony capitalism at its worst. Okay so, let's talk.

The Wall Street Journal noted on June 15, 2012 that "Hybrids Take Track at Le Mans - Toyota Challenges Audi for Crown as Both Auto Makers Bring New Cars to Race," by AJ Baime and then a few days later they reported that two Hybrids came in first and second in an article titled; "Le Mans: Electrifying Victory for Audi's Hybrid," and there you have it - racing history at its best. Proving what exactly?

Well, that electric cars and hybrids are all right and you can buy one and drive it around with the same performance or better - that's what all that means. But, I ask at what price? A hefty one as hybrids are typically a third more he cost for a typical passenger car, and those batteries are hazardous when you throw them out, or if you get into a traffic accident. I suppose this is a similar problem to all those new light bulbs we were forced to buy with mercury gas in them, now in your home, scary stuff, but that's okay, because it saves energy.

When wind turbines kill bats and birds that's okay too, and no matter that it takes CO2 to make the steel towers using coking coal putting out lots of soot which the EPA says is way worse, or that to offset that CO2 it takes 15-years of use, which most of those wind turbines won't last anyway. You see, we have a double standard here and so I ask, if those hybrid sports cars crash and we've all seen the horrific looking crashes at such races then all those batteries will spill and break open - it is hazardous waste.

Let me give you a different example, in California if a pool cleaner driving a pick-up spills one of those muriatic acid one-gallon plastic containers on the road way, the police call the hazmat truck, and the fine is $25,000 you see. But if a hybrid car gets in an accident, well you know "accidents happen" so it's okay because it is an environmentally friendly supposedly vehicle? Well, how is it eco-friendly if it just spilt hazardous waste on the ground - tell me that Mr. Environmentalist?

Please consider all this and think on it, and no you can't shoot the messenger nor will I allow you to shout me down. Fair is fair.

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