Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Guide to Buying DC Electric Motors Online

In this age of speedy online shopping, its easy to find exactly the DC electric motor you are looking for from the comfort of your own laptop or desktop computer. That is, however, if you know exactly what you are looking for.

Deciphering the specifications and product details shown on websites selling machinery, whether for the home, hobbyists or industrial processes, can be quite baffling for the amateur, especially when there is none of the usual assistance in the form of a seasoned expert or manufacturer. Here we have collected some tips for finding the right machine for your needs online.

  • Understand Torque

All advertisements and product descriptions for circuit systems shown online will specify the torque capability of the machine, and it is essential that you know what your torque requirements are in order to choose the right DC electric motor. Torque is described as the turning force on an object, and is one of the basic specifications for operation in any engine or machine.

  • Look for Efficiency

Efficiency is one of the most important factors to consider when purchasing any product that consumes and uses energy. Finding efficient machines at acceptable prices can be difficult, however and it is important to be informed on the issues involved in machine efficiency. Conscientious manufacturers will show the efficiency percentages of their products online, which can be used to accurately assess the quality of the model in question.

  • Choose Purpose Specific

Whether you are looking for products for robotics, fishing boats, home appliances, toys or model making, there are various websites that will cater to your specific needs. These can provide advice and pertinent information on choosing the best DC electric motor for your application, as well as further explanations and support on using and maintaining the product once you have bought it.

  • Direct Current Questions

If you are sure that you need a direct current system, there are further queries you need to make to be sure that you are choosing the best model for you. These type of motors are very useful for most applications around the home, but you will need to weigh up the pros and cons between brushed and brushless models before making your purchase.

If you are replacing a component then you can probably just look to what was used previously, but it is sometimes necessary to upgrade an entire system when parts are no longer in production or have become obsolete.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

What Are The Benefits Of Converting Your Car To An Electric Motor?

These days, our cars are becoming less efficient and petrol prices continue to skyrocket, leading many commuters to filling their cars up two or even more times a week. This will eventually take a huge toll on your wallet and, as such, many commuters are looking for alternative ways to power their vehicles. One of the ways that is beginning to increase in popularity is changing your petrol-powered engine over to an electric motor, and any driver who does this is set to receive three main benefits:

  • Save money on fuel
    How much money would you spend on petrol a week? For most commuters, it is somewhere between $50 and $100. When going on a driving holiday, expect these costs to rise dramatically with each kilometre you travel. Convert your car to run on an electric motor, on the other hand, and all you will need to do is plug it in to charge overnight, costing you somewhere between 80 cents and $1. In the morning, your car will be good to go.

  • Do it yourself if you want
    If you have any mechanical or electrical knowledge, you will be in the fantastic position of being able to convert your car to an electric motor all by yourself. Not only will this save you some money (otherwise you'd have to pay a professional to do it for you), it will give you a more in-depth understanding of how the whole process works. If you do opt to DIY it, you will probably already have most of the tools on hand, such as a cordless drill and a socket set.

  • Be environmentally conscious
    Unfortunately, we daily release a considerable amount of pollution that is continuously poking holes into the ozone layer. By converting your car to an electric motor, you will actually be doing great things for the environment by substantially lowering the amount of pollution that you release into the atmosphere. If everyone were to power their cars by electricity, it would also negate the need for powerful oil companies who are delving into the earth's crust and causing all sorts of environmental disruption.

Whilst petrol prices have lowered slightly lately, do you really think they're going to stay that way forever? The good old days of being able to fill your car up for $20 or $30 are long gone, so don't you think it's about time that we took steps to save our money? By converting your car to an electric motor, you will be achieving this and many other benefits.

This news article is brought to you by SEXUAL HEALTH - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Do We Have Double Standards in Our Hazardous Waste Laws for Hybrid Cars?

We need to ditch the hypocrisy when it comes to environmentalism. If we are going to have rules and regulations, we need to have it for everything or none at all. Letting one group off the hook and chasing down another sector or industry is nothing more than crony capitalism at its worst. Okay so, let's talk.

The Wall Street Journal noted on June 15, 2012 that "Hybrids Take Track at Le Mans - Toyota Challenges Audi for Crown as Both Auto Makers Bring New Cars to Race," by AJ Baime and then a few days later they reported that two Hybrids came in first and second in an article titled; "Le Mans: Electrifying Victory for Audi's Hybrid," and there you have it - racing history at its best. Proving what exactly?

Well, that electric cars and hybrids are all right and you can buy one and drive it around with the same performance or better - that's what all that means. But, I ask at what price? A hefty one as hybrids are typically a third more he cost for a typical passenger car, and those batteries are hazardous when you throw them out, or if you get into a traffic accident. I suppose this is a similar problem to all those new light bulbs we were forced to buy with mercury gas in them, now in your home, scary stuff, but that's okay, because it saves energy.

When wind turbines kill bats and birds that's okay too, and no matter that it takes CO2 to make the steel towers using coking coal putting out lots of soot which the EPA says is way worse, or that to offset that CO2 it takes 15-years of use, which most of those wind turbines won't last anyway. You see, we have a double standard here and so I ask, if those hybrid sports cars crash and we've all seen the horrific looking crashes at such races then all those batteries will spill and break open - it is hazardous waste.

Let me give you a different example, in California if a pool cleaner driving a pick-up spills one of those muriatic acid one-gallon plastic containers on the road way, the police call the hazmat truck, and the fine is $25,000 you see. But if a hybrid car gets in an accident, well you know "accidents happen" so it's okay because it is an environmentally friendly supposedly vehicle? Well, how is it eco-friendly if it just spilt hazardous waste on the ground - tell me that Mr. Environmentalist?

Please consider all this and think on it, and no you can't shoot the messenger nor will I allow you to shout me down. Fair is fair.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Is It the Right Time to Buy an Electric Car?

With the current extortionate fuel prices and the rising cost of simply keeping a vehicle on the road and insured is it a sign that we need to find another way? Making environmentally sustainable choices isn't just more ethical, it's working out to be considerably less costly for drivers. In this article I will explore the current market of electric and hybrid cars, and whether or not it's the right time to invest in this growing market.

The first electric car engine was surprisingly enough built in 1835, and an electric vehicle held the land speed record until around 1900. The surprising decline in this market took place when automobile manufacturers such as Ford built gas powered combustion engine cars and sold them at half the price of the electrical ones. This event was partly responsible for the decline of the early models, in addition to innovations in the combustion engine that allowed for cars to reach more speed than that of electric vehicles.

In today's market, we are seeing the re-emergence of the electric powered engine in both full electric and hybrid vehicles. With serious money being invested into innovations within electric fueled engines, spurred on by the supposed excessive spending that was partially responsible for the economic crisis of 2007-2010 the demand grew for more efficient vehicles. We have seen all of the major car manufacturers investigating and most developing electrical variants of their popular ranges.

Mileage always seemed to be a major issue with these cars in the past, but with the development of the Tesla Roadster we are starting to see electric cars with a full-charge range of around 220 miles. In addition the top speed has always caused issues for some people, but if we look from 1999, we can see a prevalence of electric powered vehicles able to do 80mph+ such as the Honda EV Plus, General Motors EV1 and Toyota RAV4 EV. It really seems as if the age old consensus that electric powered cars get awful mileage and top speed is being smashed when you start to look at the numbers.

The revival of interest in the electric car has assisted greatly in making these models more affordable and efficient. Allegedly due to the costs associated with producing car batteries, electric cars remain more expensive than combustion engine powered ones. A study stated 50% of US car buyers are not willing to spend more than $5000 on a green vehicle above the price of a petrol car, this is a reasonable concern, yet the potential savings associated with no-longer being fuel reliant far outweigh the higher initial cost.

In most western countries, citizens are offered grants to assist in the purchasing of sustainable vehicles, for example in the UK you are entitled to a £5000 grant towards a new electric car. This eases the buyer into a much more friendly market than was previously experienced, and the value of electric cars remains high even after 10 years of their release. If you can look past the initial high investment of capital, you stand to gain a lot from no longer being reliant on rising gas prices.

This news article is brought to you by TRAVEL-AND-LEISURE - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Best Fuel Efficient Cars Today

At the time of writing, fuel prices - for both diesel and petrol - in the United Kingdom are continuing to rise. The focus has once again been placed on fuel efficient cars.

These ongoing price hikes have led many to reconsider whether owning a bigger, fuel-hungry car is cost effective - with many choosing to look towards fuel efficiency instead.

With a number of the big manufacturers now producing efficient cars, there are certainly some good options out there.

But which are the most efficient cars you can buy today?

Toyota Prius - The Prius is just one of a few the fuel efficient cars manufactured by Toyota - with the Camry Hybrid and the Yaris also being viable options.

Featuring a 1.8 litre, four-cylinder engine that produces 134 horsepower, the Toyota Prius provides all the power you'd want from a small sedan - going from naught to 60 in just 9.8 seconds.

Reasonably sized - with five seats - and sleekly designed, it is a particularly good car for those that have a heavy daily commute - with an average efficiency rate of 50 miles per gallon.

Peugeot HYbrid4 3008 - The world's first diesel electric hybrid, this offering from Peugeot is certainly one of the most fuel efficient cars currently available - with official tests displaying a hugely impressive efficiency rate of 74.4 miles per gallon.

The four drive modes that it offers is what makes achieving these awe inspiring figures possible. Depending on the choice of mode - Auto, ZEV, 4WD and Sport - the driver can chose to use the Peugeot HYbrid4 3008 as a high-performing car or one optimised for fuel efficiency.

Lexus CT 200h - One of the common misconceptions about fuel efficient cars is that they aren't very luxurious. The Lexus CT 200h is a car that certainly quashes this notion. Featuring a 1.8 litre, four-cylinder engine (like the Toyota Prius), the CT 200h offers an impressive interior - one that is sure to wow passengers.

Most importantly though, it also boasts an impressive efficiency rate of 42 miles per gallon - making driving to work in your best car seem like a viable option.

Honda Insight - A much more affordable option than the Lexus CT 200h, the Honda Insight offers the same fuel efficiency rate - of 42 miles per gallon. It also features a slightly smaller 1.3 litre, four-cylinder engine that produces a reasonable 98 horsepower.

This four-door hatchback certainly isn't bad to look at either. Designed like models such as the Prius, it boasts a smooth front and an abrupt tail, as well as a reasonably impressive interior - futuristic in its design.

Lincoln MKZ Hybrid - Boasting a powerful 2.5 litre, four-cylinder engine, capable of producing 191 horsepower, the Lincoln MKZ Hybrid is more expensive than its competitors. But, as you'd expect, it's certainly one of the classiest.

Although its average fuel efficiency rate of 39 miles per gallon isn't as impressive as some, such as the HYbrid4 3008, the executive-style feel of the MKZ Hybrid certainly can't be overlooked.

This news article is brought to you by CUSTODY OF A CHILD - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Compressed Air Car: The Future Is Now

The idea of introducing a compressed air car to the market is not a new one, as you might already know, but it has never been so close to becoming reality. The Motor Development International (MDI) is in fact about to launch its first model of car that uses compressed air technology. The first model, named AirPod, will cost less than £6,000 and will be available for the European market in 2013.

The first units will be sold in France and priority will obviously be given to those people who will have pre-ordered the vehicle. The manufacture and distribution of these cars will be innovative too: there won't be any car dealer or re-seller as customers will be able to buy their cars directly from the factories. This means that, according to MDI's plans, factories will start spreading throughout the continent, with the aim of making the entire process of manufacturing and selling far more direct and immediate. Therefore no middleman or intermediaries are involved and this will lead to a considerable cut in costs throughout the supply chain. According to MDI, it would cost much more to transport cars from one side of the world to the other, which is currently common practice among car manufacturers. By doing so, each factory will guarantee a drastic cut in costs deriving from logistics while keeping production efficient, with 7,000 units produced each year.

Back in 2007 MDI had agreed a deal with industry giant TATA Motors, with the latter prepared to invest heavily in the compressed air engine. A technology that was first introduced by the French back in 1870 but that has never managed to break through and become commercialised. This was due to the large amount of technical difficulties and safety threats of such technology, as well as the introduction of the internal combustion engine back in the day.

The cars set for launch in the European market are expected to have an autonomy of approximately 62 miles for £0.80: absolutely stunning! Also the air compressed car can be easily charged in specific petrol stations in just 2 minutes or from home by simply plugging the car to the socket, taking approximately 3 hours for a full charge.

One of the main criticisms moved against the air compressed technology is that it takes a great quantity of energy to compress the air, due to the fact that air has little energy, hence the compression level is expected to be extremely high. However, according to MDI, these new car concepts, due to their very light weight, consume less energy to move, making them cheaper than electric cars.

The next model to be launched after the AirPod will be named AirOne and will be fitted with a 15 Kw engine for a maximum speed of 60 miles per hour (against the 7 Kw and 50 mph maximum speed of the AirPod). Another model to be launched will be the AirCity, much bigger than the others, with a look much more similar to a normal car and the ability to reach a maximum speed of 80 mph with 25 Kw power.

This news article is brought to you by DATING ADVICE 201 - where latest news are our top priority.

Avoid a Traffic Jam and Get a Free Gift - Where Do I Sign Up For That? Not So Fast

In the future engineers and computer scientists imagine that all automobiles, trucks, and perhaps even flying cars will all be on the same network talking to each other, announcing their positions, and of course this means no more car wrecks. Yes, that would sure beat killing 30 - 40,000 people on our highways each year in auto accidents wouldn't it? All of this technology will also tell us of impending traffic jams perhaps even 10-minutes before they occur based on the intended destination of each vehicle, speed of traffic, flow, and number of vehicles. Okay so, let's talk.

There was an interesting article posted to the Detroit Free Press on June 14, 2012 titled; "Automation may cut traffic deaths," by the famous business writer and columnist Elisa Priddle which stated;

"Human error is the critical reason for 93% of crashes," said Maddox. "That's an overwhelming number. We now have an opportunity to do something about it. Our goal should be crashless cars," and "We need a significant body of research to understand how far it will go to meet our goals," as "The bottom line: people won't drive an automated vehicle if it's not safe."

Good, again, no more crashes, we all agree that saving lives is a worthwhile endeavor for science and technology - we are all in. Now then, on June 12, 2012 in the Science section of the New York Times another article titled; "Incentives for Drivers Who Avoid Traffic Jams" appeared written by John Markoff one of the leading science writers of all time noted that some cities are re-thinking penalties, fines, and the inconvenience factor in trade for rewarding behavior, namely if a driver diverts from a traffic congested area, well they get something.

Okay so, yes, this is a decent idea, so how about a free-electronic pass for a toll road, highway, or toll bridge? Or how about a future token to ride in a diamond or high-occupancy lane even if they only have one person in the car? This is possible if all the cars are net-centric, connected together in a digital intranet as they drive. Perhaps, there might be businesses getting in on the game - get off the freeway, go to McDonalds, get free WiFi and a free Super-Sized Soda with no NYC tax on it, stay there until traffic subsides and then get back on the freeway.

Indeed, I bet this will work, offer incentives just as they do on airliners. If you agree to give up your seat and take the next flight, you will get a free ticket to use sometime in the future. This is basically the same concept, and yes, it ought to work just fine. Please consider all this and think on it.

This news article is brought to you by INTERNET - MARKETING - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Tips For Choosing a Good Car Engine Air Filter

A good car engine air filter can save you money on gas, help your car operate at optimum performance levels and help you avoid repair bills in the long run. Choose the best one by following the tips below.

1) Do your research into what size filter your car uses. Do not laugh over this one. Some misinformed car owners can think any air filter will fit into their car. You are different though. You realize that the correct one fits like a glove.

* Use your auto owner's manual to find the correct size filter for your car. If you do not have a manual, go online and do research into your car model, type and year.

* Or, go to your local auto supply, dealership or parts shop. Some larger department stores have auto departments that will also help in this area. They usually have manuals that list filter sizes for a variety of cars. If you have any questions about using these manuals, employees can help you.

2) Know your budget. Air filters come in a variety of prices, ranging from dirt cheap to expensive. Many quality and reputable manufacturers offer filters at low prices to suit a wide variety of budgets.

3) Know your car's make, model and year. What filter your car needs will be based on these factors. Learn this information and save yourself the embarrassment of appearing as a uninformed car owner. Protect yourself by knowing this information.

4) Know your purpose. Do you plan on using your air filter in a high performance car? If so, adjust your purchase accordingly. For instance, an air filter manufactured with a high performance car in mind will be totally under-utilized in a small commuter car.

5) Buy a well-known brand. Well-known brands have a reputation for manufacturing high quality products that stand the test of time. Purchasing a lesser known brand may save you money, but be made of lower quality materials that allow debris to enter your carburetor. This can be the beginning of a huge repair bill down the road.

6) Perform an on-site matching process. Make sure the filter you purchase is the same as your current one. You can easily do this by removing your current air filter while in the store's parking lot.

*Take the filter into the store and match it against the replacement one. If it matches perfectly, in size and shape, you have the correct fit. Doing this on-site matching will save you the time and expense of making a return trip to the store.

7) Understand that an air filter can be made from different materials. All serve the purpose of improving air flow and providing proper filtration to your engine. One of the most common is a pleated-paper filter that makes it easy to replace for only a few bucks.

An air filter plays a crucial role in optimizing your car's performance. It keeps your carburetor and engine clean by removing impurities. By doing this, it improves air flow to your engine and improves horsepower.

This news article is brought to you by POST-DIVORCE - where latest news are our top priority.

Choosing Rotation Ranges for Servo Motors

Servo motors are controlled by messages made up of varying pulses, which determine the degree to which the device will rotate. This specific communication and rotation is essential to the precise positioning that the small devices provide. The position of the machine is read by a potentiometer, which gives the user vital information in the proper working of the motor. The potentiometer reads the position by coupling with the output shaft, which is the major rotating part in the machine.

When the rotation of the output shaft shifts, the resistance reading of the potentiometer changes accordingly, providing a reading that is directly proportional to the exact angle of the rotation. The pulse fed to the servo motor is converted into a steady analogue voltage to keep the device in a constant and correct position. An error amplifier also constantly checks the voltage against the rotated position of the output shaft to ensure that the device is operating in precisely the right rotational range.

If needed, the rotation range of a servo motor can be adjusted to suit a new application or to allow for slip pages in precision over time. This adjustment is a common practice in the maintenance and repair of model planes and other small-scale robotics. The wiring process can also be complemented by more mechanical repairs, such as lengthening the wings on a model plane to provide more balance and flexibility of the miniature aircraft. For these purposes you can choose between standard models and rotational or continuous models.

Choosing and applying a servo motor for robotics purposes is a highly precise art and requires some knowledge of the safe handling of electrical wiring. When fitting in a rotational device, you should test the machine several times to make sure that your wiring is correct and the rotational range is as you expected. You should first test the operation of the transmitter and channel to gauge the precision of your device's rotational response.

For more complex systems, controllers are available which are capable of giving you the position readings of six or more different devices, each of which may have different rotational ranges. These controllers can configure all of your servo motors automatically, providing a sophisticated system that takes the work out of choosing a rotational range. Complex controllers are capable of working with both standard models, which have a limited movement range, and rotational servo which can rotate freely to any position.

This news article is brought to you by DATING-FOR-BOOMERS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Some of the Best Gas Mileage Cars

There are many cars with good gas mileage. There are even five or four year old models that are considered as the best gas mileage cars even today. There are several options like the Toyota Prius or the Smart Fortwo. If you are after vehicles with more than 30 mpg performance on the road, continue reading.

Toyota Prius

The 2008 Toyota Prius has the highest fuel economy with a distance of 46 mpg. It is unmistakably the most fuel efficient vehicle in the market. The Prius has an electric motor that starts up the car and keeps it running at low speeds. The 1.5-liter 4-cylinder engine kicks in when the vehicle needs to accelerate and when it travels at high speeds. A full tank can keep the Prius running for up to 493 miles.

Honda Civic Hybrid

The 2008 Honda Civic Hybrid runs on a 1.3-liter 4-cylinder engine that gives it a distance of 40 mpg in the city, and 45 mpg on the highway. It runs with a mileage of 42 mpg on the average. This hybrid model looks much like a gas powered vehicle, so many mistake it as such. Keen car searchers should be able to see the hybrid badge. On the other hand, it does not get quite the respectable distance of the Prius, with an estimated performance of 26 mpg city and 34 mpg highway. But at its price, you really cannot complain.

2009 Pontiac G5

This car has a mileage of 25 mpg city/37 mpg highway. Combine that, you get about 30 mpg on the average. That is what its 2.2-liter 4 cylinder engine is capable of. It has some similarities with the Chevrolet Cobalt. Both are made in the same factory, but the Pontiac G5 has its own style. The 2009 Pontiac G5 has an engine that has better fuel economy than the engine of the previous version. However, none of the improvements of this model makes it a bestseller. The Chevrolet Cobalt defeats the Pontiac G5 in terms of sales.

Chevrolet Cobalt

The Cobalt runs with a distance of 27 mpg in the city and 35 mpg on the highway. Many people are switching to fuel efficient vehicles nowadays to save cost on gas. At an average of 30 mpg, no one can really complain.

Toyota Corolla

The 2009 Toyota Corolla has an average distance of 30 mpg, running with 27 mpg in the city, and 35 mpg on the highway. This is the 10th generation of the same model, and has been redesigned with better interior, but it's not larger than the previous version.

Fiat 500

Fiat 500 bestows 30/38 distance. This small, but stylish vehicle can compete with the Mini Cooper, and may even go against the likes of Vespa. The small size is an advantage in high traffic, because it allows the Fiat 500 to get into tight spaces. Nonetheless, the 101-hp engine is not the most fuel-efficient in the market.

Ford Focus SFE

According to mileage tests, the Focus can run with 28/40 mpg. It looks like a modern 21st-century small automobile with sculpted flanks and revolutionary windshield slope. The SFE model has a 2.0-liter engine and has twin-clutch 6-speed gearbox. The Ford Focus SFE is one of the stylish modern vehicles in the market today. It has all the features that are hard to overlook.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Technical Specifications of the Toyota Prius Plug-In

If you like the standard Toyota Prius, then you may love the plug-in hybrid variety. This vehicle is based on the third generation model, but provides even greater fuel efficiency as it makes use of its electric battery longer, for up to the first 15 miles of your drive. This model delivers the equivalent of 95 mpg or 50 mpg when operating in full hybrid mode. Priced from $32,000, the 2012 Toyota Prius Plug-In is one of the more affordable alternative vehicles on the market.

Hybrid System

The 2012 Toyota Prius Plug-In Hybrid is powered by a 1.8-liter four cylinder engine that makes 98 horsepower at 5,200 rpm and 105 foot-pounds of torque at 4,000 rpm. This model offers a net 134 horsepower. Toyota pairs this engine with a continuously variable transmission.

The Toyota gas engine runs on the fuel-efficient Atkinson cycle, and a motor generator turns the front wheels when operating in electric-only mode. The Prius Plug-In features a lithium-ion battery pack for electric storage.

Fuel Economy

The fuel economy of plug-in models is based on estimates to give an equivalent real-world fuel measurement to traditional vehicles. The Prius Plug-In achieves the equivalent of 95 mpg in electric-only mode and 50 mpg in hybrid mode. With its 10.6-gallon fuel tank, this model has a cruising range in excess of 500 miles.

Model Dimensions

The five-passenger Toyota Prius Plug-In sits on a 106.3-inch wheelbase. This model is 176.4 inches long, 68.7 inches wide and 58.7 inches tall. Total passenger volume comes in at 93.7 cubic feet. Cargo volume measures 21.6 cubic feet. This Prius weighs from 3,165 pounds.

Front head room measure 38.6 inches; rear head room is 37.6 inches. Front leg room is 42.5 inches; rear leg room is 36.0 inches. Front shoulder room is 54.9 inches; rear shoulder room is 53.1 inches. Front hip room measures 52.7 inches; rear hip room is 51.2 inches.

Model Highlights

Every Prius Plug-In model comes equipped with 15-inch, 10-spoke alloy wheels that are set within all-season tires. This model features power folding side mirrors, projector-beam headlamps, LED tail and stop lamps, a rear spoiler and intermittent wipers.

Inside, this model offers a tilt and telescopic steering wheel, climate control, power windows, remote keyless entry, push button start, storage compartments and bottle holders, two 12-volt auxiliary outlets, a 120-volt outlet, cruise control, a cargo tonneau over and an audio system.

Also available is a premium navigation system, Entune telematics and safety features such as dynamic radar cruise control, an auto-dimming rearview mirror with a HomeLink universal transceiver and heated front seats.

This news article is brought to you by GLOBAL WEATHER NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Convert A Regular Car To Run Off Electricity

The automobile has perhaps had the biggest influence on western society than any other invention of the twentieth century. Today, without access to a reliable vehicle it can be difficult leading a normal life, most towns and cities are designed with car owners in mind. If, like most people, you find your vehicle indispensable, but are concerned about the impact that driving a regular car has on the environment, you should explore the option of a DIY electric conversion.

The internal combustion engine has revolutionized the world. The problem is that today, not only are gasoline and diesel prices breaking all records, the pollution emitted by most vehicles is known to be a contributory factor to climate change and global warming. With carbon tax now being brought in, there is everything to gain and nothing to lose by converting your vehicle's engine to run off electricity as opposed to a fossil fuel.

Before you start to take seriously the idea of starting such a project, you should consider whether you have access to the right tools and equipment. Removing a vehicle's engine and other components is not for the casual hobbyist. The work that is required is extensive and time consuming.

Thankfully, there is a lot of information available today for vehicle owners who would like to undertake such work. The first step would be to acquire a comprehensive guide. The instructions that are to be followed should be easy to understand yet detailed, and include specific information relating to the car which you are planning to convert.

Consider upfront what the expense of the project will be, it would be immensely frustrating to get half way through and then give up due to lack of funds. The cost of a conversion project is not always cheap, the outlay can range from $5,000 up to $10,000. The biggest outlay is usually the batteries, followed by a DC motor and a DC controller.

Homemade electric cars are a viable project for many mechanically minded individuals. If you are serious about taking up such a project, only proceed after you have studied the topic in detail. On a cautionary note, consider that your utility bill will rise in cost due to the extra electricity consumption that would be required to keep your newly converted vehicle's batteries topped up, but this is likely to be a fraction of the cost of your current fuel bills.

This news article is brought to you by PRODUCT-REVIEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Ford Escape Hybrid and Mazda Tribute Hybrid, Which Model to Choose?

When it comes to buying cars, SUVs, trucks and motorcycles, what are the major factors for most prudent buyers to consider? From the expert's opinion, fuel economy, comfort, safety, 3rd row seating and cargo space are some of the important factors to consider.

However, when gasoline price is hiking during the years, fuel economy is the top major factor amongst the rest. Hence, some people with smaller families prefer to choose compact SUV for their daily needs.

Let's briefly go through some features of small SUVs with great gas mileage as a buying guide for SUV's die hard lovers.

Ford Escape Hybrid

Ford is one of the best sellers in U.S markets. Ford Escape Hybrid is a fuel economy, small SUV with 34 mpg city and 31 mpg highway drive with a standard of 2.5 liter engine. The MSRP starts from $30,570.

Some of the key features include voice activated system, spacious cargo space, Ford sync and automatic parallel parking. Nothing outstanding here as it is common to die hard Ford's lovers but new Ford buyers may like it.

Besides spacious cargo space and good mileage, it also includes antilock brakes, airbags, Mykeys and stability control. Ford has its unique structure design, if you like it look for the next coming auto show and check out the price.

Mazda Tribute Hybrid

Like Ford Escape Hybrid, Mazda Tribute hybrid is also a good mileage compact SUV with 34 mpg city and 31 mpg highway drive. Mazda did it this round. It is awarded the top 10 fuel efficient compact SUVs of the year. The 2.5 liter engine, however, does produce engine and acceleration noise and it can easily be heard from inside the cabin.

On the positive side, spacious cargo space and auto shut-off air-conditioning system during periods where the gas engine is the primary source will be a good selling point for this model. Mazda also produces very attractive SUV designs to capture the SUV's market. The base MSRP is $29,900.

Which Model to Buy?

In comparisons of several features between 2 brands of compact hybrid models, which model do you prefer? It is the preference of the buyers to decide whatever else that he/she considers to be an important factor in selecting a new SUV, be it price or mileage consumption. Please don't expect spacious 3rd row seating with small SUVs.

The best is to test drive these 2 models and let your feeling take over. That's the first decision you'll never regret.

This news article is brought to you by TAXES BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Technical Specifications of the Toyota Prius C

Toyota's Prius C is the newest model in the Prius line up, a subcompact car that seats five and delivers exceptional fuel economy. Introduced for the 2012 model year, this diminutive four-door hatchback is priced from $18,950 and is poised to deliver years of driver satisfaction.

Hybrid System

As a full hybrid vehicle, the Toyota Prius C features a gasoline engine, a transmission and a battery pack that supplies energy to a permanent magnet AC synchronous motor. Its gasoline engine displaces at 1.5 liters, a four cylinder motor that makes 73 horsepower at 4,800 rpm and 82 foot-pounds of torque at 4,000 rpm. This car has a net 99 horsepower rating. An electronically controlled continuously variable transmission turns the wheels.

Fuel Economy

The front-wheel-drive Prius C is rated at 53 mpg city, 46 mpg highway. It delivers a combined 50 mpg. This vehicle features a 9.5-gallon fuel tank and has a cruising range of 475 miles, enough fuel to take you from Washington D.C. to New York City and back.

Model Dimensions

The Prius C sits on a 100.4-inch wheelbase. This model is 157.3 inches long, 66.7 inches wide and 56.9 inches tall. It has a ground clearance of 5.5 inches and weighs from 2,500 pounds.

This model offers 38.6 inches of head room in the front and 37.0 inches in the rear. Front shoulder room comes in at 52.3 inches; there is 51.7 inches in the rear. Front hip room measures 51.0 inches; rear hip room is 50.8 inches. Front leg room measures 41.7 inches; there is 35.0 inches of leg room in the rear. Seating five, the Prius C has 87.4 cubic feet of passenger volume and 17.1 cubic feet of storage capacity behind the second row seat.

Model Particulars

Like other Prius models, the C is sold in numbered trim levels including One, Two, Three and Four. Standard with all models are projector-beam halogen headlamps, rear combination lamps with LED stop lamps, color-keyed power outside mirrors with turn signal indicators, intermittent wipers, a color-keyed rear spoiler and a black roof-mounted antenna.

Inside, this model offers automatic climate control, a four speaker audio system, fabric-trimmed font seats, a 60/40 split fold down rear seat, a tilt and telescopic steering wheel, power windows, a 12-volt auxiliary outlet, map lamps and storage compartments.

Choose a higher trim level model and an upgraded audio system, Bluetooth connectivity, a navigation system, Entune telematics and cruise control are available.

This news article is brought to you by TECHNOLOGY NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Drug Dealers Using Hybrid Cars Now - Smuggling Inside Batteries

Who says drug dealers don't care about the environment? Well, that's kind of a joke, and let me tell you why. It turns out that car batteries have become a popular place to store illegal drugs trying to cross the border, and travel around the country. Consider if you will how many batteries are in a hybrid car these days, and each one of these batteries has multiple cells which can be filled with contraband. No, I'm not giving any secrets away to the drug dealers, they already know this trick, because they've been using it more often these days.

Of course, now the authorities are on to them, and I suppose if you have a Toyota Prius you could get stopped at the border while they search through your batteries, or have the dogs come in to sniff around. It is amazing how incredibly innovative and creative these folks are with their smuggling, can you imagine if they would take that creativity and innovation and apply it to some new type of business in some high-tech industry? Imagine how much money they could make, and what an incredible return on investment they might have with all that cash they've already generated.

Of course, they're not just putting drugs inside the batteries anymore, they are driving these hybrid cars back across the border with cash stuck in those dried out battery cells, cash that they've made from selling those drugs on this side of the border. Back to my joke; obviously the drug dealers do care about hybrid cars and alternative energy, because it has made, well up until now, a nice sneaky cover to move their products and money. Those days are over because the Department of Homeland Security is on the scene watching for these things, and the border patrol too knows what's going on.

Currently, things have been tough in the real battery industry, and several of the large Department of Energy grants and loans have not panned out, or produced the jobs that were expected from that economic stimulus. For instance, A123 Systems Battery Company has filed bankruptcy, along with several others, and only two of the companies receiving six of the very large DOE grants were able to meet their promises, pledges, or obligations for hiring after accepting that money.

In fact, there was an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal on this topic published on March 31, 2012 titled; "Car Battery Start-Ups Fizzle," by Mike Ramsey" which is very much worth reading.

Maybe the drug cartels can get into the hybrid auto battery business, and go legit - just kidding. They might make more money in the end, and also continue helping the alternative energy and hybrid auto industry. Perhaps you have a sense of humor yourself, and you might see the irony in all this. Please think on it.

This news article is brought to you by PHOTOGRAPHY AS ART - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hyundai's Concept Models - A Glimpse of the Future

There's something about an auto show that gets a car fanatic's heart racing. Is it the mere sight of the perfectly polished display models, the facts and figures that get your jaw to drop time and again, the dream of seeing one of these beauties parked in your own garage someday or just a combination of all of the above. Whatever your brand, whatever your preference, there is one car that will always steal the show, the concept car and it's easy to see why. The concept car is a promise of what's to come. Though it might not ever go into production, it's enough to make us look forward to the future with great motoring expectations.

Hyundai has certainly delivered its share of futuristic concept cars at international auto shows over the last few years. Incorporating its styling evolution, future Hyundai models seem to take its fluidic sculpture design philosophy to a whole new level, bringing together form and function in an aesthetically breathtaking manner. Two recent concept models certainly piqued interest from the crowds - the Hyundai Hexa Space concept and the Hyundai i-oniq concept.

The Hyundai Hexa Space concept made its debut at the New Delhi Auto Show not very long ago and carries trademark Hyundai design elements such as bold character lines on the side panels and a hexagonal grille. But what makes this vehicle truly unique is its interior layout. Echoing the grille, the 8-seater Hexa Space incorporates hexagonally shaped seats that fit together like honeycomb puzzle pieces to maximise internal space without having to compromise the width of the vehicle. Better yet, the seats offer multiple configurations that allow you to adapt the space according to your travel needs. To further add to its space efficiency and practicality, this future Hyundai model also boasts an innovative door design. The rear doors lift and slide back to make entering and exiting the Hexa Space a breeze.

The Hyundai i-oniq concept car only recently made its debut at the 2012 Geneva Auto Show and is an iconic example of the evolution of the company's signature design language. With sleek lines, dynamic proportions and muscular surface treatments the i-oniq boasts an athletic stance with premium appeal. Created at Hyundai's European R&D centre in Germany, this electric sports hatch features a range-extending petrol engine. And with doors that open to the side and up, futuristic floating instrument cluster and uniquely framed day-time running lights, the i-oniq undoubtedly echoes Hyundai's 'New Possibilities' promise to a t. What other future Hyundai models can we look forward to? Only the auto shows will tell.

This news article is brought to you by MARKETING - where latest news are our top priority.

Are Electric Cars the Way to Go?

Electric cars have been around for decades, but only now are the bigger car companies latching on to the idea of it. At the moment they're been used mainly for city driving and only the some companies Citroen, Peugeot and more recently Vauxhall with the new Ampera have gone forward with the idea of making a practical and useful electric cars.

Is this the way to go with vehicles or not? Some argue that if everyone uses them we will drain the power from the whole of Europe and it won't be able to handle it. However it has been proved that if there were 100 million electric cars on the road they would only use 0.67 of the whole of Europe's electricity supply. It's estimated that by 2020 there will be 6 million of these alternatively powered cars on the road in the world, so how many by 2030, 2040 and so on?

Some say that they will never take off as they don't have the same power as cars do now, so will we compromise power, or will it always be one of those ideas where you either like it or don't? Maybe in years to come they will have even more power that cars do now as technology is always evolving. When on your driving lessons it would be helpful to have an electric car to learn in as instructors do thousands of miles a year, it would save them money and save the environment. In addition to this it would also get you used to driving the next generation cars if the time ever did come when the switch over was made.

So electric cars are looking pretty good at the moment as they save money and the environment. But how useful are they for everyday life. The new Vauxhall Ampera can travel 25-50 miles on its battery engine alone with a further 310 on a full tank of fuel, some cars that run of gasoline do more miles to the tank, and 25-50 miles just wouldn't do for some travelling far to work.

Are electric cars the way to go? For now I would say no and driving lessons will be continued to be taught in petrol and diesel run cars as the electric cars just aren't yet practical enough for everyday use for most. City drivers may gain some benefit from having an electric car but not drivers in general and this question will have to be asked again in the near future when car manufactures explore electric car ideas even further.

This news article is brought to you by FISH OIL FOR BLOOD PRESSURE? - where latest news are our top priority.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Nissan Future Models Go Electric

Electric cars... a few decades ago the mere thought of a mass produced battery powered car would've been laughable, but then again a century ago the thought of a man walking on the moon would've been unthinkable. Thanks to sheer dedication and passion for innovation, companies like Nissan strive to make the impossible, possible and they won't give up until they do.

It might surprise many to know that Nissan's electric vehicle research dates back as far as the 1940's when it released its first electric vehicle in 1947, the Tama EV which was equipped with lead batteries. In 1997 it released the Prairie Joy EV and then in 2005 the Nissan Pivo followed by the Pivo 2. With various limitations such as short cruising ranges none of these vehicles really took flight. That was until 2009 when Nissan announced its latest and so far greatest EV yet, the all-electric, 5-seater Nissan LEAF.

In 2010 the LEAF was launched in Japan, Europe and the United States and received a positive response from owners and the motoring industry alike earning it the coveted 2011 World Car of the Year title along with many other international awards.

Though the Nissan LEAF might not produce sports car performance and SUV capability it delivers ample power and torque to get the driver from A to B and back. It's 80kW and 280Nm electric motor lets you travel distances of up to 160km on one charge while it's capable of reaching a maximum speed of 145km/h. And charging it is effortless and hassle-free. The Nissan LEAF is powered by a lithium-ion battery and can be plugged into your regular household socket, while it takes around 8 hours to fully charge.

This Nissan future model isn't just 100% electric and fully rechargeable, but also promises low fuel consumption and zero gas emissions making it likely the greenest car on the planet today. Though we often find it hard to quantify the reduction in damage on the planet that fewer emissions will achieve, Nissan explained it in simple terms in a recent update. If the LEAF units already sold were powered by gasoline, it would've emitted 17,633 tons of CO2 and for a forest to process that amount of CO2 it would require 1,261,643 trees. When looking at the numbers, EVs do seem like the logical move forward for the motoring industry. And more future Nissan models are expected to follow in the LEAF's emission-free tracks.